Winning medals wasn’t the point of the Olympics. It’s the participating that counts.
The important thing in the Olympic games is not to win, but to take part; the important thing in Life is not triumph, but the struggle; the essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well. - Pierre de Coubertin.
The important thing in the Olympic games is not to win, but to take part; the important thing in Life is not triumph, but the struggle; the essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well. - Pierre de Coubertin.
the Eagle (飛躍奇蹟)》最出色的地方莫過於精準捕捉住the moment!那迷人、甜美、超越自己光耀輝煌的瞬間,以及貫串全片的流暢樂音。
改編的故事架構不限縮著墨於為了證明別人看輕自己,發憤圖強的意志,往後退一步的,把重心放在相信自己、證明自己,儘管全世界都與我為敵,儘管我很笨拙,但我很努力。我衷心熱愛這件事,勝過所有眼光與世俗的價值,只為了追尋更強壯、更英勇、更臻成熟一絲不苟的完善自我、更豐富慷慨的人性,付諸一切最終所成就的,也將同時帶來一份改變世界的美好力量。Harder Better Faster Stronger.
任性是人類的天性,但昂揚闊步或放手一搏,卻是個艱澀必修的學分。放不下、離不開、捨不得的執念,走不出畫地自限、固步自封的痛苦與徬徨,選擇去接納並經歷,比學會遺忘更艱難,也必要得多。Focus not Tense